How I can help
As we go through life we learn and evolve. Sometimes we feel we need guidance and some light to keep us on our path. I can help you in finding this light to achieve many of the positive changes you are seeking. A wonderful journey awaits you and it all starts here!
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Developed by Dolores Cannon during the late 1960s, QHHT® began as an experimental attempt to use hypnosis to transform one's own body and the world within which it is situated. Through hypnosis, the QHHT® practitioner will open the client to their subconscious. 
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Beyond Quantum Healing is a hypnosis method that taps into the subconscious mind allowing you to access your Higher Self. A BQH session can be used for self healing and spiritual growth to address many areas in your life from, physical, mental, emotional, and overall spiritual well-being.
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Do you have any questions?
A free 20 minute Discovery Call must be completed before the first QHHT® session is booked. This is an opportunity to answer any questions and explore the reasons for requesting a session.

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QHHT® achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep.
  • It was such a privilege to experience a QHHT session with Anne.  She explained the process really well and I felt totally safe and at ease telling her my life story.  Her pace was comfortable and she asked thought provoking questions, using active communication skills as she navigated our very fascinating conversation.   Anne was a patient and compassionate listener throughout.  Talking to my higher self and journeying into my past lives during the session was a deeply emotional and cathartic experience.    I was left feeling more self love, acceptance, and empowered to move forward with an expanded awareness.  In the days that followed I felt a level of physical healing as well.  Anne was really gifted at guiding me in retrieving some important messages from my higher self.  This has helped give more clarity to my life purpose in my present life, which is my focus and what matters now.  Thank you so much.   It was quite an adventure!! 

    Jonna Crone

  • Having a quantum healing session with Anne was definitely a life changing experience and I would even say out of this world. I traveled in so many different dimensions throughout the session and experienced so many things that put my life into a different perspective. I had many uncertainties about my past life that now I feel are resolved, answered and finally understood by me. Here I am, a few weeks later and amazing and guiding messages are still coming through from my Higher Self, with whom I communicate now on a daily basis.
    The session itself was wonderfully conducted, I felt safe and supported the whole time. Anne is such a wonderful, understanding and knowledgeable person in this field that I truly feel great about recommending her. She will bring out the best in you and from you.

    Mici Fogarasi

© 2023  | Anne Rosart - Level 2 QHHT® Practitioner | Site by Alchemy & Design